郭艾倫:兩年前總決賽第二場的傷心往事 體育局領導挽留之情請吃飯

來源: 抖音

2024-08-30 22:40

Just when we thought the story had been buried, an old ghost from the past has resurfaced. Guo Ailun, the talismanic point guard of the Liaoning Flying Leopards, has shed light on a difficult period in his career during a recent live stream on social media.

When asked about his desires to leave the team two years ago, Guo Ailun revealed that he was deeply upset after a heartbreaking loss in the second game of the Finals. However, he quickly recovered from the setback and was ready to move on. Despite being in good physical shape, Guo expressed that the authorities and team management were reluctant to let him go, which ultimately kept him at the club.

Fast forward to the present, we find Guo Ailun playing in the 2021-22 Finals against the Guangsha Lions. In Game 2, the enigmatic guard only managed to log 19 minutes on the court, contributing 4 points, 3 rebounds, and 2 assists while shooting 2 for 10 from the field. Nonetheless, he bounced back strongly in the subsequent games, playing 43 minutes in Game 3 and 24 minutes in Game 4.

It's evident that Guo Ailun's journey has been marked by both triumphs and challenges. The road to success is never a smooth path, and this latest revelation provides a glimpse into the inner struggles of one of China's brightest basketball stars. As the Finals continue to unfold, we eagerly await to see how Guo Ailun and the Liaoning Flying Leopards will respond to these adversities, for it is in times of hardship that true champions are forged.